Greatest Wellness Myths

When it comes to wellness, most have a different perspective, or should I say their own interpretation of wellness. We start out listening, reading and diagnosing ourselves to better our ‘selfs’. But biases set in, and we get bombarded with inaccurate information and incorrectly self diagnose with information presented, and many times flat-out misrepresented information. We often pick and choose only information that aligns with what we already think (or what we want to think).
I am a believer that caring about yourself is the first step to achieving success in your wellness journey. So the many myths need to be vetted, but most of all, what is right for you may not be right for the next person. Being your own personal prescriber is where myths either work for some and not for others! So don’t always take myths and apply them to your wellness journey, because they can be harmful. Seek out facts from foe, and don’t buy into myths that might not be good for you!
“No diagnosis can fix the myth, no cure can settle it, because our inner life is precisely what, in us, will not lie still.” — Ginette Paris
With Gratitude,
Karen Ballou
Founder & CEO, IMMUNOCOLOGIE Skincare