Renee Moorefield
Renee Moorefield, PhD, MCC, is CEO of Wisdom Works, a social enterprise working with global companies to bring the science and practices of human thriving to life in their work cultures, brands, and leadership—and make thriving a new standard of success. She is also Executive Director of Be Well Lead Well®, a platform of content, education, and a pioneering multi-factor assessment for wellbeing leadership. Renee is on the Advisory Board for the wellness nonprofit, Global Wellness Institute and the Program Advisory Board for the mental health nonprofit, John W. Brick Foundation. For over three decades, Renee has provided thought leadership and state-of-the-art resources to fuel a global movement of leaders who make thriving a priority at work, at home, and in all walks of society.
Saturday, September 16, 2023 September 16, 2023 World Wellness Weekend